
Study Time


I've been studying for weeks now and has been like there is no end to it! But this friday I will finally have my last, phew! I'm kind of stressed out about my last two exams, because I haven't had much time to study for them. I sort of invested the majority of my time in another exam, that I desperately wanted to pass. So now, I have to get into my zone and work my ass off, and then hopefully I'll be fine! I try to make studying more fun by using colourful markers and lots of washi tape. Also, in the evening I reward myself with some candy, a nice drink and a movie to fall asleep next to. How do you survive exams? 

Oh, and after reading about this app called Little Moments, I decided to give it a go! I just use the free version, but you can also download extra fonts etc. It's really nice, you can use it as a photo editor, but there is a little something extra! You get a daily prompt every day, to take a picture of something. It might seem silly and simple, but you really end up with a nice collection of pictures quite quickly! I took this one in the "Three Things" theme! 

✎ Jade


HEMA Hair Dye - Natural Medium Brown


I had my first exam yesterday, and as I was walking home I felt a sudden urge to do something impulsive. So, I decided to buy some hair dye and dye my hair brown! Now, to be honest, it wasn't completely impulsive because I had been planning on doing this for a while now, I just didn't know when it was gonna happen yet. I loved having red hair and might go back to it one day, but I was kind of sick of it right now. It kept fading every time I washed it. I really love the vibrant copper look, but what I ended up with most of the time was a faded icky colour that just wasn't what I wanted. 

I've been wanting to try dark brown hair for such a long time! I've had black hair, but that was a little to harsh and made me look quite pale. I've also tried a lighter brown, which was nice, but it washed me out a little and didn't have the *pop* I generally look for in a hair colour. So this time, I wanted to do it right!

Since I am still in the middle of exams and (a) don't have time to go to the salon and (b) hate how the salon costs so much, I decided to dye it myself. I bought HEMA's 'Natural Medium Brown' hair dye, because I've had good experiences with the HEMA dyes before. So, I just popped it on, waited 30 minutes and tadaa!

It turned out quite dark actually. I suppose it will wash out and become gradually lighter, and then the red will start shining through again. I read a lot about people who complain about the redness in their hair when dying on top of red hair (which I personally think is pretty) but this dye covered it pretty well. It looks a teensy bit more red around my roots, because those had grown out and were lighter than the rest of my hair. Also, it looks really different depending on the light. In the evening it's really dark, but in the sun it's a very warm chestnut colour! 

Oh also, going from red to dark, kind of makes me feel like Willow gone dark! 

But don't worry, I'm still my dear sweet self. One of things I love most about dying my hair is how different it makes everything look. Your clothes look different on you, you skin and eye colour seem different (I though the red hair made my blue eyes pop, but holy cow so does the brown, right?) etc! 

So anyway, if you're thinking of dying your hair brown, or it's already dyed and you need a touch up: this is a good product. For long hair, I wouldn't recommend it if you want to dye your entire hair with it because it's always safer to go to the salon. Also, you would need at least two boxes of dye and eventually it might end up being just as expensive as a trip to the salon. However, for touch-ups this dye is perfect! 

Last but not least, this hair makes me feel really French. I don't know why.

Au Revoir mes chéris!


Silent Songs


Don't you just love watching music videos? I do, always have and always will! Back when I was a kid, I had these VHS tapes lying next to the TV, so that when I saw a good music video, I could pop it in quickly and tape it! Ah yes, I guess I was one of the last generations to experience the magical world without youtube. I still remember that tape. It was mostly full of Gorillaz, but I remember taping Year 3000 by Busted on it as well. Good times...

Anyway, I just found a wonderful Youtube Channel that strips away the music from the videos and it is really funny, and mostly, really awkward to look at! 

The Friends intro is one of their best -and most awkward- ones in my opinion:

And oddly, Pharrell succeeds in having his Happy video stripped of it's music and still being awesome. How does he do it?

✎ Jade


A Hobbit's Tale

Yesterday, I finally went to see the last Hobbit film. I thought it was really good, in my opinion the best one. And at the end of the film, when the credits started to roll, I cried. For real. I don't think I've ever cried in a movie theatre before. And -even though it was a good movie- I didn't cry because of the happy/sad (no spoilers) ending. I cried because it was over. I felt like my entire childhood flashed before my eyes. I suddenly remembered everything.

My first experience with The Lord of the Rings, was when my parents took me and my sister to see The Fellowship of the Ring. We saw it in a tiny movie theatre at the Belgian coast, where one old man sold the tickets, the popcorn and ran the movie by hand. I was enchanted. That week, we printed out the script, learned it by heart and acted it out. My dad still has an old video cassette lying around, on which you can see my mom as Aragorn (holding a ladle for a sword), my sister as the brave Frodo and Legolas, and me as Gimli (with a pillow under my shirt and an axe made out of paper and a broomstick). My dad taught me and my sister how to draw Lord of the Rings characters, and we would draw armies and fight each other. My cousin Sarah and I learned some Elvish and wrote entire stories which we then acted out. My grandmother got me The Ring.

The Lord of the Rings was a huge part of my childhood. And seeing those credits roll, hearing the music play, and realising this was it, made me feel quite emotional. Damn Billy Boyd for his singing voice! 

I will cherish these memories forever, and maybe one day, when I have children of my own, I will watch these movies with them. But which should they see first? The Hobbit films? The Lord of the Rings? Aargh! Much time to think about this. Much time... I'm sharing these memories here, because I think there are many people who feel the same way about the ending of it all. But never forget, these memories are mine. My own. My preciousss....

Jade (a.k.a. Leanor, badass warrior elf who, aside from being really cool, had a teenage crush on Haldir and Faramir)


Instagram Challenge, day 7

Hello all!

For day 7, the last day, show your favourite item! It can be anything, from a diamond necklace to a dirty napkin. Just as long as it hold value to you! 

This was the last day of the challenge, and we hope you enjoyed joining us and/or looking at our pictures! Even though the hashtag is #ExploringTheWorld, we haven't told you to hop on the train and go take pictures of the Taj Mahal -though that would've been cool- but instead asked you to explore your own surroundings, the world around you. We think dreaming of big adventures is very important and healthy for the soul, but sometimes we aim so high that we tend to feel like we're not living our lives the way we should. And that is just stupid, because hanging out with your friends or watching a great movie surrounded by chocolates is also living -and enjoying- your life. We should appreciate the little things, which can really make life incredibly fun.

So think about this past week. Go to your favourite spot, work on your resolutions, enjoy being lazy (hibernation, right?), embrace your messy hair, go for a walk and look at all the beautiful things that surround you, and then go eat something really yummy with your favourite item by your side. Now, ain't that a good day?

Last but not least, even though we didn't say it was a competition, we really enjoyed seeing Anne's pictures and would like to give her these earrings! Thank you for joining the challenge! We hope you had fun with it, and hope that you like the gift! Pm us on Facebook so we can figure out how to get them delivered to you!

Lots of love,
Tall and tiny

The Gift: 

Our Day 7 entries: 

The Female Body Throughout the Years


You know, every now and then one of these pops up on your Facebook, inside the magazine you were reading or even in the newspaper: 

"Perfect length for women is 1m58"
"Men don't like women with tattoos"
"C-cup most popular"

I mean, sometimes these things are scientifically examined, because the difference between your waist and your hips could say something about your fertility etc. but most of these articles are just pure crap. They interview about 50 men, then post the results online and before you know it, everyone is sharing this incredibly important news through their social media. As far as I care: there isn't one perfect body. There are many. There are those who totally dig huge women (by that I mean incredibly tall as well as very fat) and there are others who prefer tiny stick figured girls. My second point is: why do they always ask men's opinions? Why not include lesbians? Might be interesting to see if there are differences (which, as I've said before, can only be scientifically proven if you use a lot of people to test this theory with). And my third point: who gives a fuck? I mean, seriously, I find that all these articles that tell us how to be the perfect man or woman for our partners are just twisted. You should be yourself, be confident and live your life the way you want to live it. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't have the perfect genetics because it doesn't matter

Okay, now that this is off my chest, I wanted to share these pictures with you, in which you can see the so called perfect woman throughout the years. Interesting to see how every generation has their own model. 

Also, I found this video on youtube:

After seeing these pictures and the video, I started thinking: "Would there be an equivalent for the male body?" and started to google it. It was interesting, because I came across a lot of websites explaining guys -step by step- how to 'get ripped' and found a lot of 'perfect men' pictures of ridiculously muscular and oiled up guys. So, we can conclude that there are also high expectations the other way 'round. However, I -so far- haven't found a similar chart showing us the 'male body throughout the years' nor a video like this. I did find this, though I don't think it's as strong as the video above, and whereas the above video got 21.696 likes so far, this one only got 324.

So I guess there is not the same kind of awareness about this issue that (also) affects our male counterparts, which kind of sucks for guys, doesn't it? I think women's bodies are definitely more in the spotlight when it comes to this kind of mockery and silly advise, but we should also keep in mind that it works both ways.

Be yourself x

✎ Jade


Instagram Challenge, day 6


We are nearing the end of the challenge! Day 6 of our #TNTExploringTheWorld challenge: make a pic of yummy food! We don't think it needs more of an explanation, does it? Jade had a lovely meal with a lot of cheese in it. Her boyfriend hates cheese and wasn't at home, so this was her chance to eat a lot of it! And elvi made some nice bread with cheese, egg and pesto! What yummy food did you eat? Show us on Instagram! Enjoy the picture taking, and of course, the eating of the yum yum food. 

Tall and tiny

Instagram Challenge, Day 5

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay, but here's the #TNTExploringTheWorld challenge for yesterday! Go outside and make a picture of something nice. Jade went outside and saw these cute doves sitting together and Elvi was a little late with making a picture, so there was no other option than making a picture in the dark at the busstop where she was waiting! So, go out and take a pic! 



Instagram Challenge, day 4

Hi you!

Okay, one of the best feelings in the world: lying in bed, stretching out, ruffling through your hair and then just falling asleep again. Right?

Day 4 is messy hair day, because sometimes: messy is good!

And don't worry, we've been #Exploring inside our own apartments so far, but starting tomorrow: we take on the world!

Tall and tiny #TNTExploringTheWorld


Instagram Challenge, day 3


Day 3 has arrived (!) ... about a day ago. We've been so lazy today that we haven't uploaded this any sooner! We've both been busy taking care of some practical stuff like job hunting and grocery shopping, which is why we haven't had time to upload our pictures until now. Anyway, as John Cleese's burglar character said when he found out the bank he was robbing was actually a lingerie store: adopt adapt and improve! Soooo... We made laziness our theme of the day! 

Explore the limits of your own laziness! But please don't let it keep you from posting a picture! :)

Tall and tiny


Instagram Challenge, day 2


First off: if you haven't joined the picture game yet, it's not too late! Just catch up by posting your day 1 picture!

Okay we saw some lovely stuff yesterday! But we're really hoping to see more pictures of you guys! Before we tell you the challenge of this second day, we'd like to explain why exactly we are doing this challenge. (and yes, arrows for this one)

➳ 2015 has begun, and we want to start it off well. We'd like to enjoy the little things about life. Like yesterday, when we sparkled up some new appreciation for our favourite spot at home. It's often the little moments that count the most. 
➳ We'd really like to get in touch with all of you and thought this would be a pretty good way to exchange some fun stuff with each other!
➳  It's just really fun. 

So there you go! Now, as promised, the new challenge! Haven't we all thought about some new year's resolutions? Whether you laminated them and hung them above your bed, or just thought about it after having too much champagne around midnight, you've been thinking about it. Maybe you want to change something, or maybe you want to keep up a good habit you already have. But 2015 is going to rock!! 

Post a picture of yourself keeping up with a new year's resolution, starting the year off nice and fine, using the hashtag #TNTExploringTheWorld! We are so going to finish the first Game of Thrones book and 青 唱 宠 by the end of the year, right? (don't try looking it up on Google Translate, it's literally qing chang chong and won't make any sense, whatsoever) 

Tall and tiny


Instagram Challenge, day 1

...aaaand GO!

Day 1: Post a picture of yourself in your favourite spot at home! Whether you live in a dorm, an apartment, a studio, a suburbs house, a mansion or a majestic palace, we bet you also have a special spot in your home that you prefer over any other place. We chose in front of the TV in PJ's and behind the piano! 

Share yours through Instagram, Facebook, e-mail (tallandtiny@hotmail.be) etc. using the hastag #TNTExploringTheWorld!



In Love With Flower Dresses

Cut-out flower dress - River Island
lace earrings - Konplott
Bracelets - Camps & Camps & vintage
Background found on Pinterest

Hi there!

I never realised it until I was comparing photos of different photo shoots I did last year: I just love flower dresses! Why flower dresses? Well, it's not only flower dresses that I like, I also love flower tops, flower bags and flower accessories. But it's the flowers that make the dress different, it gives personality to the dress. And the flower dress can be styled in so many different ways! Obviously, styling it in a romantic way with lots of pink is a great choice, but how about mixing flowers with rock, or tropical prints? The possibilities are endless! And when you're done with the mixing and matching you can always go back to just wearing the flower dress with just a pair of beautiful shoes, because the flower dress looks good with anything!

Tropical flower dress - Vintage
Collar - H&M
Earrings - Wibra
background found on Pinterest

Dress - Mango
Earrings - vintage
background found on Pinterest
Ps. Here are some more great flower dresses! (pics from pinterest ) 

TNT Instagram Challenge!


We're announcing our very own Instagram Challenge, yay! For 7 days, we will each post a picture within a certain theme and invite all of you to do the same! Every day around noon (here in +2 Belgium) we will post the challenge and then it's all up to you to do the same thing! If you don't have an Instagram account, don't worry, we'll post them on our blog as well and you can always e-mail us your picture at Tallandtiny@hotmail.be, post your picture on Facebook or if you have either of us on Whatsapp or Hangouts, that's okay too. To join the challenge, follow 'princesslettuce' and 'elviism' on Instagram, or check the blog daily! 

Oh, and don't forget: if you post on Instagram of Facebook, use the hashtag #TNTExploringTheWorld! That way we can trace all of your posts!

Ready? Set?


BadYogi Challenge


Don't we all want to start the new year off well? Well, I tried to do just that, by joining yogi Erin Motz in her Instagram challenge! For several days she gave her #BadYogiArmy assignments such as "take a picture of a pose that makes you feel celebratory" or "show us a pose you love to hate" etc. I had a lot of fun with it! It was also very educative, because by seeing myself on pictures, I realised I did some poses wrong and tried to perfect them. If only I had enough room in my apartment for a big mirror... 

What have you done to try and start the year with a bang? 


✎ Jade


Princess Bride Game


As if I wasn't craving an ipad already, they released a Princess Bride game -which looks awesome- but unfortunately for me, it's only available on iOS... I want I want I want!


✎ Jade

Girl Hulk


A female Hulk. Awww yes! Just had to share. x ✎ Jade

Via The Mary Sue

Washi Tape

Hi everyone! 

Just spamming Vivi's part of the blog for a moment, to share with you, the magic that is 'Washi Tape'. You may have heard of it, and seen it on pinterest and other blogs, but you probably don't know how incredibly addictive and fun it is yet! My sister gave me a notebook for Christmas, which I decided to use as a diary. After writing in it for a couple of days, I decided I wanted to personalise it. 

Now, I knew from the start that just writing my name on it wouldn't be a good idea. Why? Because I suck at this kind of stuff. Like, really: suck. Every time I try to make something it ends up becoming one big grey blob of awful. I guess that explains why I never post on the DIY part of the blog, eh? So anyway, I called up my sister and asked her if I could use her alphabet stamps. Can't go wrong with stamps right? 

Guess again.

There you go, evidence. I suck. 

So, I decided to wipe that off (which worked, phew!) and try something else. I went to the HEMA to buy some washi tape. It is really cheap and you can get it in a lot of stores nowadays because it's so popular. Next, I started taping away, and look how nice it turned out! (It actually looks even nicer in real life, but I can't find the battery charger of our camera so this picture was made with my sweet little telephone that couldn't take a decent picture if it's life depended on it)

Now listen, if Jade can do it, so can you. It's really addictive and I've started taping this stuff to almost everything I own. Some people actually use wide washi tape to decorate their house, you should look it up on pinterest! 

Anyway, point made. I suck at DIY (stamps included) but this washi tape is miraculous stuff and you should go buy it and washi-up everything you see!

Love, Jade 


Tall and tiny's Soundcloud

You uhuh, you uhuh!

Yes you! We wanted to let you know we also have a Soundcloud now! No, it's not some kind of awesome cloud you can carry around that rains our music whenever you want it too (though that would be cool). Okay, now we made the actual thing sound ridiculously stupid compared to that. Anyway, it's just a website where you can listen to some of our songs. Hmm.. How did we get from "Yes you!" to this so quickly? Okay, back to enthusiastic! Tall and tiny's songs, yay! 

Lots of love,
Tall and tiny

Ps: if that actual cloud thing ever works out, we'll let you know


New Song: BEEP

Hi you!!

You've been so wonderfully patient! And now, today, just as promised, we are sharing our new song with you! It's called BEEP (and is in no way like that Pussycat Dolls song that goes by the same name). It's really the beginning of a new era for us, because this will be the first song for our album! 

We have made lots of songs before this one, and uploaded them on our youtube channel. But most of them just didn't sound finished. The last couple of months we tried to refine them a little and add more instruments, but it always ended up kind of messy. So we decided to scrap our old songs and start anew. We learned how to make arrangements on our laptops and had a lot of fun with it

We hope you'll love it and have it stuck inside your head all day long, just like you did when you heard I Like It in 2012. 

TNT out! Beep!

(oh and please watch it in 1080p HD, even though it's just a picture. We hate blurry videos...)


Apocalyptic Antwerp


Have you ever wondered what the city of Antwerp would look like if it would be totally abandoned like those cities you see in dystopian movies and stories about zombie apocalypses? Artist Jan Bosschaert and writer Jean Dufaux have shown us in their comic book Jaguar. It's really cool, have a look! 

✎ Jade

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